“Unless farming becomes both intellectually stimulating and economically rewarding, it will be difficult to attract or retain rural youth in farming”- Dr. M.S. Swaminathan.
A lot of people from all walks of life want to get associated with agriculture and rural sector. Although we call it as backbone of Indian economy, the sector’s own economy needs a constant support as it faces a lot of uncertainties at all times. With our experience in the sector, we, at AnantVarsha Foundation, plan projects impacting core issues of the sector. To implement these projects effectively, we are always in need of likeminded young people who can contribute to our projects with their knowledge and dedication. In turn, we provide them opportunity to develop themselves by acquiring skills and abilities to address concerns of agriculture and rural communities. We aptly named this programme as Agricultural and Rural Youth Ambassadors (ARYA).
Who is eligible for the programme?
We have designed the most flexible volunteering programme to accommodate almost everyone who wishes to associate with us. The basic we look for is minimum age of 18 years with strong commitment towards social work. Some of the examples of eligible candidates for volunteering with us are as follows
Students of Agriculture Degree and Diploma Colleges
Rural / Urban youth from farming family background.
Urban youth / housewives interested in kitchen gardening.
Farmers or their family members interested in knowledge sharing with other farmers.
Government / private employees interested in social work.
NSS / NCC / management students looking for experience in agriculture and rural sector.
What will you get from the programme?
Following are some of the benefits you can get during the course of your volunteering with us.
Opportunity to understand the rural situation in relation to agriculture and allied activities.
To get familiar with socioeconomic conditions of the farmers and their problems.
Gaining diagnostic and remedial knowledge relevant to real field situations through practical training.
To develop effective communication skills with farmers using latest extension methodologies in transfer of technology.
To develop confidence and competence to solve complex agricultural problems.
To acquaint with on-going extension and rural development programmes.
Acquisition of professional skills and knowledge through hands on experience.
Confidence and ability to work in project mode.
Certificate of experience that will help in career progression.
Opportunity to interact with progressive farmers, agricultural scientists, agro and allied industry experts.
Special invitation to farmer benefit programmes / meets arranged by us.
Flexibility to work from anywhere for some of our projects.
How can you contribute as a Agricultural and Rural Youth Ambassador?
Depending on your educational background, skills, interest, time commitment and ability, we will assign you the work that suits you best. The assigned work will further enhance your capabilities alongwith boosting your confidence. Here are some of the activities that can be assigned to you.
Working on various social media platforms that are being used by us for dissemination of information to the farming community.
Managing AnantVarsha Foundation’s social media accounts to keep them up to date by posting updates about foundations ongoing programmes.
Surveying farmers to know about problems faced by farming community with respect to crop cultivation and produce marketing.
Writing and editing articles in local language for their further transmission through various channels to grassroot level.
Communicating and maintaining liaison with experts in agriculture and allied subjects to get informative articles written from them.
Online searching of technical information and translation of the same in local language.
Working on preparation of new project plans based on the interaction with farmers and other stakeholders.
Interacting with both farmers and scientists in order to get expert answers for the problems faced by the farmers.
Creating and managing social media groups of farmers for dissemination of technical information in local languages.
Contributing towards website development and increasing online presence of AnantVarsha Foundation and its activities.
Helping AnantVarsha Foundation to collect subscriptions / donations for running the current as well as upcoming projects.
Managing day to day activities viz. Office administration, accounts etc.
What are the benefits to the society from your contribution as volunteer?
A small amount of your time coupled with your knowledge and commitment can do wonders. Thousands of people from rural part of our country are in need of people like you. Below are some of the benefits that society can get from your contribution.
Better solutions to the problems faced by the farmer with respect to cultivation i.e. pest, disease, weed and nutrient management of crops being grown by him.
Appropriate and accurate technical information to the farmer in local language.
Optimum use of social media by the farmer for enhancing productivity of crops and overall profit from agriculture and allied activities.
Most cost effective options with respect to pesticides and fertilizer use.
Opportunity to the farming community to come together to form groups in order to manage farming activities collectively to reduce cost of cultivation.
Better access to markets in order to get better prices for their produce.
Bridging the gap between lab and land i.e. enhanced communication between experts and farmers.
Promotion of organic farming, sustainable farming, zero residue farming etc. at grassroot level coupled with scientifically accurate cultivation practices.
How can you join the programme?
If you are at least 18 years of age, have a strong desire to work for agriculture and rural development and can commit at least 5 hours a week as volunteer, you are welcome to apply. Depending on our requirements, we will get back to you as soon as possible and we will assign you with one of our projects based on your knowledge, skill set and amount of time you can contribute for us. Apply by clicking the following button or contact us through email or WhatsApp.